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Babb Education – founded by Dr. Dani Babb, an Online Professor with years of experience leading an instructional design business.

Babb Education was founded by an Online Professor, Dr. Dani Babb, who Has Years of Expertise Running an ID Business

Dani Babb

As an online professor, and owner of an instructional design business for 15 years, Dr. Dani Babb has seen schools unable to pay for full scale instructional design struggle along with their students. Creating Babb Education is Dr. Babb’s answer to colleges and universities needing fast, efficient, affordable, and high-quality solutions for course development and instructional design.

Babb Education is focused

Babb Education helps colleges and universities, with budgetary restrictions, develop and build high-quality courses. We work closely with you to maintain consistency and deliver courses quickly because you do not have time to wait around while your competitors launch the courses you thought of last month – or last year - but didn’t have the staff or budget you needed. The Babb Education promise means: your work is never outsourced overseas, you retain all intellectual property rights, and you work with a team who maintains high-quality standards with frequent and thoughtful communication.

Not all schools have the budget for an Instructional Designer

Not all schools have the budget for an Instructional Designer

Not all schools have the budget for an Instructional Designer. If You do, that’s great and We can certainly bring ID’s onto the project team and add multimedia, work with the Subject Matter Experts weekly and blaze into the sunset with a full-fledged project that runs a standard amount of time and with the usual budgetary requirements. We are experts in doing this and welcome the opportunity.

But, Babb Education is different

We have found that while IDs do add value to the design and methodology of courses, the financial requirements to develop courses with both a SME and ID are too restrictive for many colleges and universities. Institutions in this position turn to Babb Education because our focus is on education – not healthcare, business, or government. Education is what we know and where we excel.

We have found that a well-built template by an assessment expert, outstanding project management, solid course content documents and course loads by SME’s with oversight by the assessment experts and their teams can be just as meaningful for students. When budgets allow, games, additional multimedia and more advanced applications can be built into the course later.

Sometimes you just need a SME, a good template, someone to manage the work and experts – quick turnarounds, fast development and assessment mapping with SME’s loading courses and other academics reviewing the work to get through your programs, get them online, and get it done under budget and quickly.

This is one of the many ways we are different.

Whether you need to
build 1 or 20 courses

Whether you need to build 1 or 20 courses at once, We know the SME’s and We know the way to make that happen in every current (and legacy) learning management system (LMS).

We welcome a conversation with You.

Let’s Get Started – and remove the financial barrier to providing courses online.

Whether you need to
build 1 or 20 courses

Whether you need to build 1 or 20 courses at once, We know the SME’s and We know the way to make that happen in every current (and legacy) learning management system (LMS).

We welcome a conversation with You.

Let’s Get Started – and remove the financial barrier to providing courses online.